30-day Soul Purpose Discovery Process

This 30-day Soul Purpose Discovery Process is Ideal for You if:

  • You want to know exactly what your Soul's Purpose is so you can take action that aligns with your Highest Path and Purpose.
  • You feel blocked, "stuck" or like you're "in a rut" and just don't know what's holding you back.
  • You need to understand your unique way of manifesting so you can create the life you know you are meant to be living.
  • You feel like you're doing everything "right," but you're still not getting the results you want and you just don't understand why.

In this comprehensive reading and discovery process you will learn details about your Soul’s origins and history, and what special gifts and purpose you bring into this lifetime. We will also uncover and clear any negative influences from past and present lifetimes that may currently be affecting you.

Here's everything you will receive during your process:

  • 1; 75-minute Soul Profile Reading and Clearing Session via phone
  • mp3 recording of your Soul Profile Reading and Clearing Session
  • Personalized 21-day Clearing Homework to help you clear energetic blocks
  • 1; 30-minute Next Aligned Action Steps Support Call
  • Email Support throughout your 30-day process


You'll also receive the Personal Manifestation Style Program!

...a customized PDF including:

  • the absolute BEST most Soul ALIGNED way for you personally to create intentions so you can be sure you're creating in integrity with your true desires,
  • a complete breakdown of how the 8 Divine Gifts flow through You and which Gift your Soul expresses most abundantly,
  • insights into how several of the Universal Laws effect you personally - including your gestation time,
  • the manifestation power tool that will most support You so you can stop wasting your time with tools that don't work for you(not everyone vibes with affirmations or vision boards!),
  • how you most easily receive intuitive guidance so you can't trust yourself to discern guidance from ego.


Please note: All consultations are held on the telephone. The client bears responsibility for all long-distance charges. After purchasing your consultation, I will contact you within 24 hours to schedule your appointment. There is a 24-hour cancellation policy, should you need to reschedule.

Get Started Now

Who are your clients?

My clients are spiritually minded, highly conscious leaders, entrepreneurs, coaches, healers, teachers, business teams, partners, families, and parents who are dedicated to living a life of authentic self-expression, love, peace and purpose. They know in their hearts they have a gift to give and they are eager to embrace this gift and share it with others.


How are you different from other "psychics?"

Most psychics tell you about your future (in 6 months you're going to meet a man, get a new job, move, etc). But here's the thing....you're creating your future now. So really we can only psychically read the probability of something happening. You can change course and create something new at any time.

We live in a Universe where we have been blessed with the gift of Freewill. We get to choose what we want to create, but most of the time people don't understand how they create so results are inconsistent and sporadic. It's frustrating. You set your intentions and take action. Sometimes everything "clicks" and goals are met. But often things fall apart and all that you've created is a big mess. It can be difficult not to feel helpless and victimized by life when it's so inconsistent. But the Universe is actually VERY consistent. Universal Laws are laws. They don't change. We're the ones who are inconsistent. We're inconsistent when we don't understand.

Each of us has a unique way of manifesting. At Soul level we each have a Divine Blueprint that shows us exactly how we create. You don't manifest the same way your parents and teachers do. We grow up watching others and naturally match our behaviors to their modeling, but what worked (or didn't work) for them has nothing to do with us as individuals. Your Soul is unique and when you consciously know Who You Are at Soul level you can choose to embody your Soul's gifts and express them in your human, physical experience.

Your Soul is literally the road map for creating a life you love!

I am a psychic and manifestation mentor. I help people discover who they are at Soul level so they can embody and express their Divinity here on Earth. (Life is SO much more fun when you can FEEL yourself living in alignment with your SOUL!)

You set your intentions and I tune into how probable the outcome is based on your current actions. I help you discover your Soul's Blueprint so you can easily understand and trust your own intuition and discern which action steps to take to increase the probability of manifesting your intended result. It's fascinating! And it works : )


What type of personality do you work BEST with and what is expected of me?

My programs, services and products are intended for people who are absolutely ready to step up and take full responsibility for creating joy and abundance in all areas of their lives. My clients are people who feel called to be of service to the world and they know they cannot possibly serve in the highest way if they are not moving deeper into authentic self-expression. My company has been created for the SOUL purpose of partnering with individuals who are willing to align with their Soul and take inspired action in accordance with Divine Love, Light and Truth for greater health, prosperity, peace and joy.

You are in the right place if you are willing to explore Who You Are at Soul level and take Action to Embody Your Divinity. My services are designed to support YOU in:

~taking Bold, Authentic ACTION to manifest the intentions you choose to commit to.

~managing your energy so you are serving yourself and living your life more authentically.

~addressing fears and doubts head-on to move beyond them and experience a greater sense of ease and wellbeing.

~accessing your inner guidance and intuition to move into aligned, inspired action and self-expression.

My programs and services are not passive. You will be expected to come with an open mind, ready to learn new concepts, integrate higher ways of being and take consistent inspired action. You can expect full support from me and my team throughout your journey, but we cannot do the work for you.

We work with individuals who are willing to partner with the Universe/Source Energy and take aligned, decisive action to create your intentions. Embodying Your Divinity is an inside job. It takes courage and willingness to approach your life differently. We are here as a guide. We will lovingly be your partner and walk beside you every step of the way. You CAN do this and YOU ARE WORTH IT!


May I contact some of your former clients to see what it's like to work with you?

Of course! Please go to the testimonial page and read through them. Make a note of which ones you feel drawn to. Then email me at kyrsten@KyrstenBarrett.com and let me know who you would like to connect with. Please note, some people have chosen to remain anonymous in their testimonials and are, therefore, not available for questions. Thank you for respecting their request for privacy.


Based on everything I’ve read and heard, I know I want to work with you. How do I get started?

Congratulations on making a decision to receive support in Embodying Your Divinity and Creating a Life You Love! I am so excited to support you in your journey!! Here’s what you need to do to get started:

Click here to apply for your complimentary "Next Steps" Call.


Have a question we haven't addressed here?

Please don't hesitate to ask! Email me directly at kyrsten@KyrstenBarrett.com and I'll get back to you ASAP.


kyrsten signature

Kyrsten Barrett