Are you trying to solve the wrong problem?

The problem is not what we think it is. 🤔 The problem is not that we’re not disciplined enough to take the action or to show up consistently. The problem is that we’re not disciplined enough in HOLDING OUR VISION, owning our vision and claiming our vision consistently. The problem is that we’re not disciplined…

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Is it fear or intuition?

Before we were taught to look around in fear, we naturally looked around in wonder. People often ask me how to tell the difference between fear and intuition. The voice of fear often sounds like the voices of others. To me it feels frenetic, dramatic, constricting and heavy. It’s demanding. Having a “gut feeling” to…

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Experiment with me?

Every time you think,I should’ve/could’ve/would’ve, say… I forgive myself. Every time you think,He/she/they should’ve/could’ve/would’ve, say… I forgive myself. Every time you hear yourself going into shame, blame or victim energy, say… I forgive myself. Every time you catch yourself criticizing your body or your emotions… I forgive myself. Every time you’re in physical, emotional or…

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“To know my oneness with God.”

It was the summer of ’97. As instructed by some book I was reading, I had made a list of 100 things I wanted to be, do and/or have in my life. I was to cross out 99 of them to leave the one most important. I chose… To know my oneness with God/Source/Life –…

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When we dare to give

He was in the aisle seat of the very last row. Arms and legs crossed. His bushy, gray eyebrows furrowed. As I took the small stage and looked out over the 100 or so people, I couldn’t help but notice him and the intensity of his focus on me. He looked… disgusted. I took a…

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The Energy of Burden

This message is for you if, -you have ever felt like a burden,-you have ever been compelled by a drive to never be a burden, or-you feel deeply burdened by others. The energy of burden comes from a misunderstanding of our true Source and Supply. When we believe people are the source and supply, then…

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It was like a gut punch I didn’t see coming.

It was late, maybe 2 o’clock in the morning. I was alone in my new home, 2000 miles away from my family. Rob was out of town. I knew if I ever wanted to fall asleep I would need to drown out the nighttime noises and the eerie creeks of a “settling” house. Back then…

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Reminder: God CAN multitask

Just because YOU focus on creating one thing (the desire that is most clear/lights you up the most) DOES NOT mean the Universe is limited to getting results in just one area. My client joined the Intuitive Hustle program with the intention of using her intuition to change jobs. Here’s what she shared about what…

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“Either I’m a failure or God is a liar.”

There it was, the painful belief that had been running my subconscious mind, brought to light. Ugh. I had received a miracle and my desire had come to fruition, but… not the way I wanted it to. A mountain had moved to make A way, but it wasn’t THE way I intended or prayed for.…

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It’s not about the money

A couple of days ago, I was chatting with my bestie and she was telling me she wanted money for something. I reminded her of a few universal laws and went about my day. She messaged me a little while later to tell me she just found $350! She found it in a random stack…

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