No matter how successful and confident you are, you will always experience resistance to change. Even if you have faith that the change is “good,” resistance will creep in and be hell bent on keeping you just where you are.
Resistance is part of the human condition. I’ve tried to understand it, to get to know it in an effort to “overcome” it, but there is no way around it…resistance WILL show up.
If resistance is not showing up, you can be 100% certain you are NOT on the verge of a breakthrough.
Resistance (a.k.a. you and everything around you feels like it is breaking down) is the prerequisite to a breakthrough.
It’s not personal. It’s just physics.
When we make changes, we move into a new state of being (physically, mentally, emotionally). Energetically we jump into a new vibration, which means we must leave the old vibration/state of being behind. This vibrational shift is discombobulating. The bigger the change, the more the leap feels like death. And in a sense…it is.
We’re letting go of what “was” to embody what “is” now. It takes us a minute to recalibrate to the new state, but after a little while it becomes our new “normal” and feels familiar…comfortable even.
As soon as the comfort sets in, it’s time to up level vibration again and the cycle starts all over.
No matter how educated you are on the process or how many times you’ve consciously taken the leap…it still sucks. There’s no way around the breakdown…you just gotta go through it and the faster, the better.
Last month I made more money giving readings and working with my private clients than I made in my first year as an acupuncturist. On paper I did everything “right” in marketing my acupuncture business. I had an incredible business coach, followed her guidance and I still struggled to make money.
I struggled because I was a good acupuncturist, but hands-on-healing is not my Soul’s greatest gift and at some level, I sensed it. The idea of stepping into my gifts as an intuitive mentor and teacher, however, was so scary my mind couldn’t even let me think the thought!
I couldn’t even admit I was psychic until another psychic said, “you know you’re psychic, right?” And I was shocked! Her words shook me to my core and I burst into tears because I KNEW she was right.
It took me another 6 months to come out of the psychic closet.
Why so long?
I was scared. Life as I knew it would never be the same. I hoped life would be better, and I had faith it would be, but I was scared.
This is the feeling that cycles back every time I step into new levels of self-expression. Only now it doesn’t take me 6 months to leap. It might take me a week or so, but I know the drill.
Sometimes I forget because my resistance has given me “ego mind amnesia.” This is when you completely forget the genius idea you had 5 minute ago. This is also one of the reasons I have my mentor by my side. She’s there to point out my resistance and ”blind spots,” just like I do for my clients.
We can move beyond resistance so much faster when we have support. That’s why really successful people have an “entourage.” It TAKES an entourage! We’re really not meant to go it alone. (Trying to go it alone or thinking you can is another sign of resistance, by the way).
Resistance also comes in a sudden manifestation of “Spiritual” hate mail, people signing up for your emails and then marking them as SPAM and your website getting hacked so all your links are being redirected to porn.
In other words, Resistance will pull out ALL THE STOPS to try to keep you from moving forward. And sometimes it works! …for a little while.
But not for long, because when you know the breakdown is a sign that you are really gearing up for a quantum leap, you gotta just FORCE yourself to keep moving.
It doesn’t feel good. It’s scary. You wont feel motivated or excited or inspired. It doesn’t feel very compassionate or self-nurturing.
You’ll just want to quit.
But don’t.
You’re 5 minutes from the miracle.
In one month I made more money than I made in one year. You would think I would be elated, motivated, inspired and grateful! Instead, I just felt discombobulated. Who is this new me? What do I do now? How did I do that?
Your mind just goes blank.
More Resistance.
Time to increase your tolerance for pleasure and abundance. (more on that here)
No matter where you are in your journey, resistance is there with you.
So next time you’re telling yourself you don’t have the time/money/freedom/yadda, yadda, yadda to do your Purpose…
Start by saying, “hello, Resistance. I’ve been expecting you.”
And keep going! Go as fast as you can because if you slow down your feet feel like they are stuck in concrete and getting started again is so much harder.
If you feel your Soul nudging you to move…
Run, don’t walk, to the next baby step action you can take. And remember it will feel like hell.
Giving someone your credit card number to enroll in a mentoring program you know will help you, will make you want to throw up.
Sending out that email you’ve been avoiding may make your hands tremble.
Speaking your Truth may give you a sudden sore throat or laryngitis.
Launching a new class may result in waking up to a leaking roof with water POURING into the living room.
(yes…all of these lovely resistance manifestations have shown up for me along the way).
But if you want to experience Yourself like you’ve never experienced YOURSELF before…keep going.
You don’t have to go it alone…but keep going.
To Experiencing Your Divinity!