Scroll through to learn more about intuitive readings for relationships (2 individuals in any type of relationship) and families

Soul Personality Readings for Families

This 90-minute reading is designed to give families greater insight into how to best support each other in expressing your soul level gifts and finding your meaningful place in the world.

This reading will include detailed information about:

  • each persons' special soul level gifts and the purpose you bring into this lifetime,
  • your unique manifestation styles (how they are similar and different),
  • specific actions to take to align more fully with your innate brilliance,
  • ways you can support each other in expressing the functional aspects of your gifts,
  • loving ways to call each other in when getting stuck in the dysfunctional aspects of your gifts.

Here's everything you will receive during your process:

  • 1; 90-minute Soul Profile Reading for each member of your family via phone
  • mp3 recording of your Soul Profile Reading Session
  • a Property Reading and Clearing for your family home
  • 1; 30-minute Next Aligned Action Steps Support Call 30-days after your reading so you can ask additional questions
  • Email Support throughout your 30-day process

Please note: All consultations are held on the telephone. The client bears responsibility for all long-distance charges. After purchasing your consultation, I will contact you within 24 hours to schedule your appointment. There is a 24-hour cancellation policy, should you need to reschedule.

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Relationship Reading + Clearing

Do you want information on your Soul’s history and karmic ties with another person? Discover the spiritual perspective of your relationship with your partner or loved one, friend, business partner, sibling, cousin...anyone!

Realign blocks and restrictions in both of your Soul Records that may be negatively influencing your relationship. Discover what Soul-level agreements you have made with each other, past lives shared, and what life themes you have agreed to explore together.

This 90 minute consultation offers you incredible insight into the dynamics of your relationships. You will also receive a brief clearing ritual to do after your session. Once the clearing is complete we will reconvene for a follow up call where you will have an opportunity to ask additional questions.

Here's everything you will receive during your process:

  • 1; 90-minute Soul Profile Reading and Clearing Session via phone
  • mp3 recording of your Soul Profile Reading and Clearing Session
  • Personalized 21-day Clearing Homework to help you clear energetic blocks
  • 1; 30-minute Next Aligned Action Steps Support Call
  • Email Support throughout your 30-day process

Please note: All consultations are held on the telephone. The client bears responsibility for all long-distance charges. After purchasing your consultation, I will contact you within 24 hours to schedule your appointment. There is a 24-hour cancellation policy, should you need to reschedule.

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